Integrating Mind, Body, & Spirit

It’s All Connected

Sacred Soma Yoga Therapy offers an alternative and complementary approach to traditional therapy. We specialize in somatic, body-based therapy tailored for those seeking healing and relief from the physical manifestations of childhood trauma, C-PTSD, grief, eating disorders, mental health issues, anxiety, and depression. We provide an opportunity to reconnect with your body, tune into its wisdom, and learn to interpret its messages. Through somatic yoga practices, breath work, I-Rest co-meditation, Thai Yoga bodywork, and nervous system regulation techniques, we support your overall health and well-being. Our personalized one-on-one sessions and group classes focus on empowering individuals to utilize somatic yoga practices for holistic healing.

Why Somatic Yoga Therapy

According to Bessell Van der Kolk, MD “Trauma is about heartbreaking gut-wrenching feeling. It’s not about thoughts…”It really is about your body getting stuck in a state of sensations that are basically intolerable.”

Sacred Some Yoga Therapy approach to healing trauma focuses on addressing the physical sensation and tensions stored in the body as a result of trauma, rather than solely focusing on cognitive processes or thought.

Your body is speaking. Are you listening?

Soma Services

Somatic Yoga Therapy  

In a yoga therapy session, participants embark on a personalized journey towards holistic well-being. The session starts with an assessment to understand the individual's state, then focuses on releasing tension through somatic yoga therapy. Throughout, the client is guided to connect with and listen to their body. Once settled, the body reveals what it wants to heal. The therapist empowers the participant with self-care tools, resulting in renewed calm and improved well-being.

Thai Yoga Bodywork

Thai Yoga Bodywork is a therapeutic approach that combines massage and energy work. It involves conscious touch, gentle stretches, range of motion exercises, and other techniques to impact the entire energy and nervous system. This modality is performed with a softer touch, aiming to alleviate pain and restore balance. It's considered safe and effective for a wide range of individuals, from strong athletes to frail or elderly clients. After a session, clients often experience reduced or completely relieved pain and an overall sense of well-being.

Group Somatic Yoga

Experience a unique somatic yoga class, transcending typical sessions by seamlessly integrating somatic yoga therapy to nurture nervous system regulation. We begin by generating body warmth through asana, kriyas, and breathwork, promoting vitality and moving stagnant energy. The latter half focuses on rest and relaxation with restorative poses, activating the parasympathetic nervous system for serene balance.

While somatic yoga therapy may be eligible for some insurance coverage, please note that we operate as a private, pay-only provider.

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